PICKI NIKI Filter Shower Head
- Glowing Skin
- No dryness
- Luscious Hair
- Aromatherapy
- Made in Korea
- Developed for US
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In Four Steps to Pure Water
STEP 1: Sediment Filtration
The sediment filter in the handle traps rust, dirt, and large particles from the water. This ensures a clean start to your shower.
STEP 2: Water Softening
The vitamin C gel filter binds to and prevents minerals like calcium and magnesium from sticking to your skin and hair. No more dryness & irritation, or dull hair.
STEP 3: Chlorine Neutralization
The vitamin C filter quickly neutralizes 100% of chlorine. This reduces dryness and irritation caused by residual chlorine from water treatment.
STEP 4: Enhanced Water Stream
200 precision micro-holes create a silky soft yet powerful water flow. This ensures a thorough and gentle cleanse without harsh pressure.
How PICKI NIKI Can Improve Skin And Hair
Before – Day 0
After - Day 31
82% of those affected report a reduction in scalp redness.
Before – Day 0
After - Day 31
92 % of those affected had increased hair shine and volume within two weeks
Before – Day 0
After - Day 31
83 % of those affected report a reduction in itching and flaking.
Before – Day 0
After - Day 31
69 % of those affected report a reduction in breakouts and clearer skin.
6x Certified and Clinically tested in South Korea and the United States
Developed by experts. Independently tested and certified by trusted verification agencies—PICKI NIKI shower heads guarantee safety and performance!
Praise From All Sides
“I never realized what I was missing until I installed the PICKI NIKI filter shower head. My skin and hair have never felt better, and I love knowing that I'm protecting them from hard water damage. It's like having a spa experience in my own home every day.” - Anastasia, user since 2022
"I created PICKI NIKI because I struggled with hard water myself. I wanted a solution that wasn’t just effective but also easy to use, skin-friendly, and backed by real science. Seeing how it improves people’s daily routines is what drives me!" - Niki, Founder
“Impresses with sophisticated design: the shower head by Picki Niki (no. 6), for example, filters limescale, chlorine and heavy metals out of the water and enriches it with vitamin C – a wellness treatment for skin and hair. Sustainability plus: thanks to the tightly set spray openings, the water is finely atomized under high pressure – and consumption is reduced.” – Brigitte, August 2024
Causes of Itchy and Dry Skin
+ High mineral content in hard water: Hard water ...
+ Impairment of the natural skin barrier: The min...
+ The dryness caused by chlorine: Chlorine is oft...
+ Irritants and sensitization: Both the minerals ...
+ Altered skin pH: Hard water can also alter the ...